How To Hypnotize

CPI: Secrets Unstoppable Hypnotic Power #4 – Acquiescence

Attraction Body Language Hypnosis Seduction Hypnotic Operators Non Verbal Communication Non Verbal Hypnosis Social Hypnosis

Flirting Hypnosis

Most People Don’t Realize That Flirting is actually a very hypnotic phenomenon. In Fact Flirting is one of the most powerful compound Hypnotic Operators a person can use. Why? Because it encompasses elements that completely bypass the critical factor on multiple levels simultaneously.   Check out this free video, its a bit cheesy but the […]

Attraction Body Language Non Verbal Communication Persuasion

Are You Boring… Find Out!

Lets be honest. We ‘ve all been on the end of boring conversations that for some mysterious reason we couldn’t seem to get ourselves out of. However, knowing when YOU are boring someone is often something we never even consider. Check out this cool video as a way to begin to develop the kind of […]