NLP Techniques

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming is a variant form of hypnosis developed by Dr. Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970's. The techniques of NLP lend themselves very easily to the understanding and implementation of covert and conversational hypnosis techniques. Although we consider NLP to be a variant and derivative form of covert hypnosis.

Most people and especially certified trainers and practitioners of the discipline probably would NOT wholeheartedly agree with our classification of NLP. Tough Nookies. We know better.

As a stand alone discipline NLP is extraordinarily powerful when used by someone who truly understands it. All NLP techniques make use of the extremely potent "hypnotic operators" many of which are overt as well as some covert applications.

Depending on your understanding of the hypnotic operators, NLP can be a deadly efficient form of conversational and covert hypnosis. Some of the most practical NLP Techniques for beginners in the study of conversational and covert hypnosis are:

  • Rapport Generation Skills
  • Anchoring Skills
  • Criteria and Values Elicitation Skills
  • Sensory Acuity and Calibration Skills.

The above categories of technique are absolutey essential if any level of proficiency with covert or conversational hypnosis is to be obtained. The interesting thing about NLP is how it was first developed. That in essence is both its power and for many practitioners its limitation. NLP is based or derived from the concept of "modeling" Bandler and Grinder developed nlp from intense study of very high level therapists. Using their specific modeling methodology they created a mental and technical profile of each therapist. They derived not only the techniques they were using that made them successful but also the beliefs and "unconcsious" elements of what they were doing that they didn't even know they were doing. In NLP terms we call this their "Unconscious Competencies." The Most Notable Examples of NLP Models that have been turned into NLP Techniques are those derived from

  • Milton Erickson
  • Virginia Satir
  • Fritz Perls
  • Moshe Feldenkrais
  • Dave Dobson

Each of these exemplars (an nlp term for the subject of a modeling process) contributed a tremendous understanding and insight into how the human mind really worked. And that IS an important distinction. NLP and its Derivative Techniques are NOT necessarily based on science. Although NLP Likes to apply a form of scientific inquiry when used with a subject. NLP is a methodology; a series of questioning and observation that leave behind it a trail of techniques. Techniques that can be replicated from one human being to another because even though we use them differently to some extent, we all have a similiar nervous system. Although the technical definition of NLP is The study of the structure of subjective human experience" when all is said and done. Neuro linguistic programming and the techniques of NLP are simply... Something that worked. For More Information On NLP and how it fits into the study of covert and conversational hypnosis. I invite to check out some of our other articles listed below. [catlist name=NLP]  

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