Welcome [wlm_username], Here are your downloads:
Pre-Training Study Materials:
Assignment One: Familiarize yourself with the terminology commonly used in hypnosis and hypnotherapy. We have some of our own nomenclature that is unique to our approach to hypnosis and that will be covered in the live training. But for now. please Read the Hypnosis Glossary at the link below. - Right Click And Select "Save Target As" Hypnosis Vocabulary
Killer Influence Manual Files:
Download These As Needed. They Are The Companion Manuals for the Killer Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis Bootcamp. The files are zipped and in word documents. Right Click and Select "Save Target As" To Download To Your Harddrive
- Intro to Covert Hypnosis
- 21st Century Hypnosis
- Inside Your Mind
- CPI-State Control
- CPI- Rapport
- CPI-Modal Languaging - VAK Level 1
- CPI-First Tier Language Patterns - Mag 7
- CPI-STATE MANAGEMENT - Secrets of Eliciting Emotional States
- CPI-Criteria and Values - Hitting The Persuasion Bulls Eye
- Secrets of Social Hypnosis
Killer Influence: Manual Part 2 - Appendices
Appendix A.- Hypnosis Vocabulary
Appendix B. - Self Hypnosis Suggestions
Appendix C. - Killer Hypnotic Inductions
Appendix D. Pacing and Leading
Appendix E. DRT
Appendix F: Rapport Drills
Appendix G: Proxemic Hypnosis
Appendix H: Attraction Secrets
Appendix I: Bio-Genetic Operators
Appendix J: Complex Meta Programs
Appendix K: Sensory Acuity Drills
Appendix L: Profiling Level One
Appendix M: Profiling Two - Personality Typing
Appendix N: Intro To Cold Reading
Killer Influence Video Downloads:
Right Click And Select "Save Target As" To Download Your Videos Be Sure To Remember Where You Saved Them.