Conversational Hypnosis Covert Hypnosis Learn Hypnosis Persuasion

Incorporate Covert Hypnosis into Your Way of Thinking

To become a successful hypnotist you must incorporate covert hypnosis into your way of thinking. If you are able to do this successfully you will never worry about getting “caught” using covert hypnosis techniques. When you become confident and more natural at speaking with people and using the powerful techniques regularly you are able to […]

Covert Persuasion Persuasion

How to Handle Tough Customers with Persuasion Techniques

Everyone needs strategies for how to handle tough customers. With persuasion techniques by Michael Lee, author of “How to be an Expert Persuader you get the chance to turn that “less than cooperative: client who may be already escalating his or her anger,  into a warm, friendly, happy client again. How? You are wondering. It’ […]

Covert Hypnosis Learn Hypnosis

Covert Hypnosis Using Descriptive Imagery

Covert hypnosis using descriptive imagery is one way to accomplish getting an individual into a trace. Vote4hope. explains the simple trategy for inducing a hypnotic response with descriptive imagery “First, I define a trance аѕ severely reduced critical thουght together wіth narrow focus οf attention. I feel thіѕ definition very useful whеn considering covert hypnosis. Thеrе […]

Conversational Hypnosis Covert Hypnosis Learn Hypnosis Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP

Why NLP is Wrong? (Very Controversial)

One of the things you hear me talk about a lot when we do Masterminds and even in the meet-ups we do here in San Diego is NLP. People think we’re constantly bagging on NLP and I’m not. I think NLP is fabulous. It’s brilliant…. … It’s just wrong. And it’s not wrong in that […]

Covert Persuasion Learn Hypnosis Persuasion

Persuasion More Effective When You Use the “Unexpected” Message

Persuasion is more effective when you use the “unexpected message” and back it up with strong arguments. Why? People will listen and pay more attention to your message if you had and unexpected element to it. The problem is if you don’t deliver something worthwhile the persuasion is lost. Swaycraft Persuasion Techniques discusses the surprise […]

Conversational Hypnosis Covert Hypnosis Learn Hypnosis NLP Persuasion

Covert Persuasion is Used in Politics and Advertising

Covert persuasion is used in politics and advertising and if you didn’t know that then stop here and don’t read anymore of this. There is a new show on ABC called the Gruen Transfer that specifically looking at advertising and more or less picking it apart. Advertising is all about persuading others to buy the product […]

Conversational Hypnosis Covert Hypnosis Covert Persuasion Learn Hypnosis NLP Persuasion

Attorneys Use the Art of Persuasion All the Time

Attorneys use the art of persuasion all the time in depositions and trials. In depositions they want to get the person giving the answers to respond the way the attorney wants them to so they can make a stronger case. From the moment they enter the courtroom they are trying to persuade the jury to […]