4 Pillars of Unstoppable Hypnotic Influence: Pillar #2 Attractivity http://www.coverthypnosis.com A lot of people think that, that, if they don’t make a good first impression that they’re dead in the water. It’s not true. K? There’s a far more powerful principle You Can Apply to Increase Your Own Level of Attractiveness. It’s just more […]
Tag: Few Minutes
[flashvideo file=/wp-content/uploads/2010POSTVIDEO/2010-06-26-0001.flv /] The easiest way to hypnotize someone without them knowing it is through a method called covert conversational hypnosis. Using conversational hypnosis techniques you can put people in a profound eyes open state of trance just by talking in a certain way. The art of conversational and covert hypnosis begins with the study […]